Friday, August 5, 2011

It has beeeeenn a whiillleee

I haven't been super busy, but at the same time I kind of have...If that makes sense.

Everyday I wake up, go to school, hang out with friends, come home, eat, study and sleep. Thats busy...if your me haha. But since Today was offically the start of NatsuYasumi (summer break) I thought I should definatly write about how things have been and what not living in Japan. Nothing insane has really happened that has made me think "what the hell Japan" besides Yamakasa and a lot of ass, but I have thought things are funny because let's face it japan is kind of up there in the funny scale to me.

Because in the US we really have nothing like it, I love Japanese gags, sure we have puns and japan has pun like jokes and yada yada, but when I say gags I mean like Tanoshingo or something. It's funny to me because Japan is usually big on being polite and not making an ass out of themselves but Gag men really dont give two shits and tend to just do wild crap. Last night on the Gag show I like, one guy sang that 'and I will always love you' song in a horrible voice and then picked up a blowup doll to sing to before pulling some wrestling move on it and then hovering over it on all fours while he shook his head around and made a stupid face. I laughed so hard because wtf japan, why is he doing this? I love gags here so much.

But besides that, Yesterday I went out to meet a friend of mine in Kurume with Adrian. There is a festival going on in both Kurume and Ogori right now with fireworks and what not so we wanted to go check it out. Before we stopped for Yakiniku which was sooo good, and a drink, while we talked about all sorts of things including the hot waiter I was eyeing and who Chie-san(my friend) then tried to get to come over to the table so she could see his face. In the end she told another waiting to make him walk around by our table and Chie-san concluded yes he was cute and then we were back to eating while Chie-san and Adrian gave me glances when he was near...esp. Adrian being the big bro he is haha. So finally we leave, get in Chie-san's car and she drives us to the festival before leaving since she really wasnt that intrested.

Me and Adrian being adventurous foreingers wanted to go still even though it was raining (not hard) and so we followed the crowd of 9786567834 couples all dressed in Yukata's. Which is adorable, esp. the kids in Yukata's because that just makes my heart explode they are so cute. So we walked around, watched some fireworks, got good luck charms, I got a fortune and then we wandered around the 6 million stalls looking at all the food and games. I got to eat the most delicious strawberry candy which is 3 strawberries dipped in liquid hard candy and left to get hard. The strawberries inside the hard candy are warm and so sweet and my god i want another right now. To bad I'm in my dorm...ugh.

Afterwards we walked in the drizzle all of like an hour to the trainstation and then caught our train home. I sat next to this kid and his mother when adrian got off at Ogori and I was then stared at by said kid in hilarious ways, his mother apologized so many times for me being stared at, having my space invaded, or my favorite, him prodding me with his foot. I LOL japan, I LOL. Luckily after when I got off at my stop It wasnt raining anymore and my short walk home was kind of nice. Right now I'm about to head off to Cosumosu to get softner and detergent before I come home and shower since I'm going out with the girls from Ohashi dorm and Adrian to a club tonight where they have Nomihodai for 1000 yen. I'm excited since I havent hung out with the girls since I was in Ohashi so It'll be good to go out and have some fun.

I know I said I would make a video of my dorm and I will try again sometime this week after I really scrub down and clean since I dont want to show anyone my mess haha. And maybe I'll make a video about going to Cosumosu now since I mean you never know someone maybe curious...Idk Im bored.

And I'll try and upload photos of things here tomorrow but if not, you can always look on FB...if you have my FB.

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