It's not that I have been busy in particular, it's just general yeah haha.
This is probably going to be an extreamly long boring post for people but I dont care, I'm writing this for my Mama and my family so they know how I've been and whats been going on since I dont talk to every single one of them everyday.
As of right now it is NatsuYasumi...I dont remember if I've said that before but whatever let me just make the point thats it's summer break for me so I've been going around with my friends having a blast. I dont remember which Saturday it was, I think it was the one after the start of my NatsuYasumi, but the girls wanted to go to a club and I was down in a heartbeat. I love going to clubs, not for picking up guys or any of that, but I love to dance, so I was ready to go happily. I met up with Adrian before hand to catch a meal and then went to meet up with the girls KC, Tammy and Britney at the station. We met up also with a friend of Tammy's named Mina who was extreamly friendly and then we headed for the club of which I will not name evidence LOL. Kidding, I dont care, but I dont know if someone who lives near me will read this and then show up next time I go so yeah...whaattevverr.
Here in Japan they have something magical called Nomihodai, you pay a basic fee and then you can drink as much as you want till a certain time, which is usually 3 or 5. At the club/bar it was only 500 yen which is hella cheap and so we all jumped on Nomihodai and got a drink to nurse while we talked and waited for the club to fill up since it was nly around 9:30-10. There were a couple other foreigners there, didn't talk to them cause it's not like we're friends haha and I hate when sometimes Japanese people think that just cause I'm a foreigner and someone else is a foreigner suddenly we're Bff's...It doesnt work like that Japan...otherwise I would think all of you are friends...and your not LOL. So anyway, I think it was 2 or 3 girls who were already kinda on the edge of drunk when we came in at 9:30-10, we kind of giggled at them cause they were soooooo crazy and danced horribly, nothing against them but it just looked awkward and it's either your the best most awesomest dancer when you drink or this awkward thing of arms and legs with an ass that moves to the beat of your own special ed drum. I dont know if they could hear they beat but if they did they didnt care as they flailed around...whatever party hard girls as long as your happy haha.
Finally around 11:30-12 people started pouring in, and our drinks started piling up, we all decided this was the time to dance and so on the empty dance floor all 6 of us started to jam. The music was good, occasionally it would go to weird house music or like a slow beat and everyone had that moment of "how do I dance to this" before the good music would come back and we'd go back to doing our thing. Nothing against house music but...what do I do to that? Most of the time back home when house music would play, where it doesnt really have a steady beat or a heavy bass I would step off the floor with my girls, because seriously people looked like they were having a seizure to the music and I wasnt about to join in on that. Anyyway so the club started to pick up, other people started to dance and we all continued to drink and enjoy ourselves. We of course got the weirdest looks though since we were a bunch of foreigners that didnt dance like all the other girls in the club, AKA two stepping, and basically at one point I had both KC and britney grind me into the mirror on the stage as I laughed and we made this giant trian of nasty. It was embaressing not that I think back on it buutttt we had been drinking so whatever.
At one point at the bar KC puked on me, not all over me thank the lord, but just a little on my shoulder. It was after some girl had bought us jose shots and jose doesnt taste that great even when you've been drinking all night so i dont blame her. I just laughed it off, took my shirt off and switched it inside out while the bartender laughed, and then I took another shot for someone else. I know this makes me sound like an alcholic or a drunk but for reals I'm not, I hadnt gotten to party hard on my birthday so this was my chance to, plus I danced it all off. I dont think I sat down since 11:30 and my thighs were sore the next day from all the dancing but LOL it was fun. I met several guys who exchanged mail with me, but who I really didnt talk to again besides one named Kenta who I will get to later. The girls left the club, Adrian and I continued to party for a little and then we too went home where i passed out on his floor and he took good care of me. He is the bestest big fake brother ever.
When I arrived home the next day I just layed around which isnt that exciting really, but Kenta and I were texting so I wasnt so bored. Then Wednesday we went out again, It was just Adrian, KC, and I since Brit and Tam were on a trip together so we went out to have a couple drinks and then go to karaoke, where we sang everything from Eminem to Spice girls. Along the way we met several drunks who we asked if they were okay and at one point met this girl and her friend who had face planted into the brick ground and puked in her own hair. I knew I wouldnt want to be in that situation so I asked if they were good and tried to help out a little before KC, Adrian, and I headed home. Wednesday was a good day actually, I had fun, i love those two for letting me change the words to songs so that it sounded like I was mentally retarded.
...Sooooo This is long, I'm cutting this in half, This is part 1 obviously. Now to part 2
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